The latest update to our HG Playing Cards asset pack is here. Various fixes and improvements make this asset pack even better.

Version 11 changelog.

  • Fixed an issue with the HG_Playing_Cards_Overview level where all cards had the same suit, rank and card back. Now they should display their proper materials.
  • Removed all lower resolution textures. As a result the whole pack takes up way less space on your hard drive. Texture resolution can now be set within the Master Materials M_Card_Front and M_Card_Back and their Instances by adjusting the Texture Resolution Variable. Instructions can be found by hovering over the variable.
  • Fixed the file structure by removing unused folders both in the engine and in the project files and folders.
  • Checked and renamed all assets to reflect the Recommended Asset Naming Conventions in UE.
  • Fixed an issue with the Jokers not being selectable from within the material. Now you can select them by setting the Card Suit variable to No Suit and the Card Rank to Joker. As a result the values in the Cards array have changed.
  • Fixed an issue with the Card Back cover 37 which had the wrong texture assigned to it.

As always please backup your project before updating as some parameter changes may cause your project to stop functioning properly. I recommend creating a new project to check out the changes in this update and adjust your project accordingly. Especially the array values in the BP_Playing_Card blueprint as well as the removal of the lower resolution textures.

Please allow a day or two for Epic Games to approve the update.

Thank you for your continued support.

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